Council support mandatory height limit and open space for La Trobe Close

albaDevelopment, Planning, Traffic and access

The City of Melbourne Planning Committee met on 1st Dec 2009,  the LaTrobe Close Re Development was one of the items on the agenda.

The NWMA supports the provision of social housing in North and West Melbourne, though we insist that government adopts its own policy of social housing integrated with private housing, that quality be maintained, that there be adequate provision of open space and that government keeps adequate statistics of the quantity of social housing and subsidised housing in each residential area.

Constancy of communication is so important – in hind-sight we all should have been copying some of our early correspondence to Shiran Wickramasinghe, Manager Planning and Building

He is relatively new to this Council (2008) and from his report he seemed NOT to be aware of

the history of the particular Open Space and the VCAT hearing rejecting its use as a car park,

of the clamour for Open Space in “North West 2010 Local Plan” and its mention of Latrobe Close in particular,

of the neighbourhood character in North and West Melbourne especially  building facades, fences and

he did not mention that the Wholesale Meat Market and St Mary’s Church were Heritage Victoria listed.

He had recommended approval of the plan with quite a few minor conditions.

Fortunately a flow of correspondence had been maintained to Councillors as new ideas/information became available – it is so important that we give them information well before a Committee meeting so that they have time to mull over and discuss the issues amongst themselves.

We are indebted to:

Cr Shanahan for referring this proposal to the Planning Committee;

Peter Clarke, Chairmen of the Committee for his usual knowledge of the issues and his usual efficiency – he had a formal motion covering the major issues of Open Space and Height and Density already prepared;

Lord Mayor for his blunt, concise statement that if this was a private development it would have been thrown out immediately, and that government cannot expect a different set of height limits to private enterprise;

Cr Oke for adding the amendment re rubbish collection;

and to the Committee as a whole for their unanimous support.

Ray Cowling did not need to speak on the reasoning for maintaining the Open Space, but spoke on our appreciation, and the need for better communication with the Council Planning Dept re Ministerial applications,  rubbish collection and need for further support from the Council.

Cr Peter Clarke in response made it abundantly clear that the future of the proposal depended on our ability to lobby the two inner city members most involved in the proposal, Minister’s  Pike and Wynne (Minister responsible for public housing), especially as both are in Cabinet.

Relevant email addresses are:; responsible for providing the funds for the project,; responsible for Public Housing; responsible for Planning decisions,

and our local MLA,;

Angela Williams spoke on the Heritage and design concerns with a clear power point presentation showing a thorough understanding of the detailed impact of the development, a presentation that cries out to be presented to the architects. Doone Clifton spoke on local community needs which could have been satisfied on this site such as elderly citizens housing.

The following recommendations were passed unanimously by the Planning Committee:
* The buildings should not exceed a height at any point greater than 14m.
* The existing publicly accessible open space area adjoining Chetwynd
Street be retained or an equivalent area in the development area
be retained as publicly accessible open space.
* There is a reduction of 30% in the number of units.
* Redesign of waste management to allow on-site collection.